The Father Says Today: December 31st, 2012

The Father says today that My suffering on the cross was enough. It was enough to heal your body. It was enough to free your mind. The suffering of the cross says the Father was enough so there is no need for you to endure self inflicted pain. I place no priority on guilt says the Father. In the context of the shed blood of Calvary guilt has no place in your life.
Forgive. Let go. Release. Release yourself from the past. Forgive those things in your character and person that fall short of My holiness. Allow Me to clothe you with Myself and take you on to perfection. Perfection is not an unattainable goal. Maturity in Me is a reality and a possibility. I have made provision for you to put on My mind and walk in My heart. Say yes to My heart says the Father. Say yes to your own liberation from the besetting disappointments in your own human nature.
I will not leave you where you are. I am the changeless God even as I said in My word:
I am the Lord thy God and I change not.
But I am always working change in you to conform you to My image and put the stamp of the heavenly on your life and character. I will not leave you where you are. I will deliver you from the world, the flesh and the devil and I will deliver you from your own sense of short coming and failure. Receive that deliverance as a complete package even this day says the Father.

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  • Father, I thank you for this message, I receive deliverance, I receive all that you have in store for me in Jesus name! Thank you and Amen!!

  • zosangliana says:

    i am new here i wish to know this prophecy is for who…because it is exactly look like telling to me…because my past sin make me unforgetable and beat me in my mind…deadly