The Father Says Today: December 30th, 2012

The Father says today that I am breaking the addiction of worry and anxiety in your life. Worry and fear are not unchangeable defects in your character that you can do nothing about. Worry and fear are enemies of faith that rob you of the promise and take your life in directions that you don’t want to go. I have given you all power and all authority to break the power of fear – even generationally in your life.
Be strong therefore and of a good courage this day says your Father. You are well able to mount up against the challenges before you. I will be with you in the heat of the battle and I will not withdraw My strength or My grace from you. I will cause you to think My thoughts and see with My eyes the true and accurate picture of what is going on around you.
There are more that be for you in the fray than be against you says the Father. I am your Jehovah-Nissi! I am the Banner over you and the strength of My right arm is manifesting within you. Rise up from the paralysis of inaction and know that this is your moment and you will not be denied the Victor’s garland!

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