The Father Says Today: December 2nd, 2023

The Father says today find your strength in Me. I am your strength and shield. Whenever the enemy comes against you, it is My strong hand that responds. Even when you feel like you have no resources left and you are about to fail, I will come through for you and deliver you completely. Don’t worry about how long your supplies will last because the treasuries of heaven are at your disposal. You have the overdraft protection of the Bank of Heaven and a blank check signed with ink from the crimson-stained inkwell of Calvary.

Go on a spending spree with your faith this day. Spend your faith today. Spend it lavishly and fully for those things that are beyond your ability. A dare you to give Me sticker shock in terms of faith regarding the impossible things you dare to believe. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. Go shopping in the mall of the heavenlies and dream big. Trust Me to do big things in your life because I am a God of bigness. You are not merely window shopping. This is your portion. This is the promise that I will use to reshape, mold, and fashion for you the manifest substance of your highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.

Prophet Russ – I am on a Shopping Spree of Radical Faith for Impossible Things – Today!

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