The Father Says Today: December 2nd, 2012

The Father says today do not allow the enemy or the pressures of life to mar the image of who I am on the inside of you. Determine to be the child of your Father and face each day even as I faced the void in Genesis. Things may look bleak, dark and formless but I have placed My words in your mouth and My hand of power is on you today for transformation and promotion. No that isn’t the way it looks but that is subject to change and it is the angel of change I send into your life today.
You will know the winds of change have arrived on your shores as your mind begins to take its cue from My word and not from what the circumstance suggests. Who are you going to listen to? Well meaning friends or what My word promises? You’ve been told to give it up. You’ve been counseled to move on. Is that what I said? You get to choose says the Father. Let your choice be that which reflects your confidence that I am the Lord your God and there is nothing too hard for Me.
There is a plan says the Father. You are not living your life in some random sequence of events that make no sense or follow no purpose. But understand this that I didn’t die for a plan I died for you. I died to bring you to intimacy with Me and fellowship with Me at depths you have yet to plumb. So don’t get distracted when the plan seems to change and shift to new chapters and new directions. I am God not only of the end result but also the process that gets you there. Trust Me and move forward. You will arrive at the fullness of My promise and you will not be bereft of your heart’s desire.

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  • Thank you for that word today it is my trust in god that will birth the promise in my life. Bless you man of god may the favor of god shine bright on you

  • Theresa Jackson says:

    God knows exactly what to say to me through this prophetic ministry! Boy, is He ever a great Dad. He puts up with my pouting and continues to encourage me. Sometimes I feel like a very young child as HE patiently contends with me! Thank God Jesus Is alive sitting high at the Fathers right hand! I can just imagine HIS robe and the train filling the temple with glory! I hear holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty! PTL. Love to all, Theresa