The Father Says Today: December 29th, 2020

The Father Says Today: December 29th, 2020

The Father says today, as the years of Moses, so shall be your years. Your eyes will not grow dim, and your natural strength will not be diminished. As the strength of David, I will teach your fingers to fight and your hands to make war. As the wisdom of Daniel, so I will bring you out of the furnace of affliction and set you on high in great authority that you might move from kingdom to kingdom among men and speak the mysteries of God. You will live long as a tree planted by the rivers of water and be deep of root and full of sap even in the dry season. On the waters of adversity, you will walk dry-shod. Though you are thrown to the lions, yet I will shut the lion’s mouth, and you will be unscathed.

I am with you, says the Father, and I will never leave you nor forsake you. The precious thing and the dear ones, even of your bosom, will never be so close to you as I am at this moment. I say look unto Me and know that My glory is your rear guard and the bulwark before you, stopping the advance of the enemy. Your clothes will not become threadbare, and your shoes will not wear out. A thousand will fall at your left hand, and ten thousand at your right, but ONLY WITH YOUR EYES shall you behold the shadow on the land – it will not come near you and will not come near your household for I have set My love upon you and shown you this day unprecedented favor that you might live before Me and be perfect in all things.

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