The Father Says Today: December 21st, 2012

The Father says today I have made you an overcomer. This is a POSITION yes but it is also a PROCESS. It is incumbent upon you to cooperate with the means by which I activate the power and authority I have given you. Why is it necessary to overcome? Because there is evil in the earth and at different times it WILL trespass your boundaries. Do you understand the enemy’s agenda? He wants to use your defeat as a stepping stone to access those that you love and those around you that will be made vulnerable by your failure. He wants to hold you fast through persecution and temptation. When you feel the pressure know that this isn’t mere happenstance. There is a malevolent intelligence behind the pressure you feel and it is your responsibility and PRIVILEGE to PUSH BACK.
Resisting the devil is not about bluster and verbosity. Many of My sons and daughters pray themselves hoarse with many decibels of vain jangling and empty prattling. The simplicity of gaining the ascendency in any situation is this:
Overcome evil with good.
The bonds of the enemy attach to you when you allow yourself to succumb to his thinking, feeling and acting. Make a determination to refuse to live out of your baser nature. Remember I said “let this mind be in you….?” Maintain civility. Choose to focus on the good, the pleasant, the virtuous and the praise worthy. Your heart will produce in your future what you ponder on in your present. The enemy knows this – which is why he constantly seeks to draw your attention to his garbage. Rise up in the ascension of My mind today. Think My thoughts and trust in the outcome I am producing. I am your provision, protection and preservation. You are a principality and power in the earth and you will overcome as you commit to My process and My person.

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