The Father Says Today: December 1st, 2012

The Father says today let My mercy be your motivator. My mercy is a living, active thing renewed over your life each day and yes with every breath you draw into your body. Allow yourself to attach to that mercy for My mercy will keep you abreast of My mind and My thoughts toward you. My mercy will save and heal and deliver you on every level.
You see says the Father religion and religious thinking assumes distance and indifference on My part. I am neither distant from you or indifferent toward you in any way. Even as Stephen saw Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father I am so moved toward those things that rob you of your peace and torture your existence.
Therefore make presentation of yourself to Me today. Even in your physical frame and bodily posture let it be one of worship and obeisance for I am here says the Father. I am here and I am not neglecting or despising your shame. The enemy accuses Me still of being an absentee Father but I am on the scene in your circumstance and I am committed to making all the different that heaven affords in your life and in your struggle even this day.

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