The Father Says Today: December 19th, 2012

The Father says today that there is a place for anger. Not all anger is sin. Anger places a wall between you and the object of your wrath and for that purpose it protects you and your integrity. So be angry and sin not. Let your anger be directed toward that end and you will by so doing secure your borders. I haven’t called you to be passive. Passivity is death. Passivity makes you a victim. You are not a victim says the Father. I have made provision that you might be more than a conqueror.
So use your anger judiciously when it is necessary and called for. Let it be known that you are a child of God beloved of heaven. They are going to demand of you “I thought you called yourself a Christian?”. Let your answer be “not that kind of Christian”. For I have not called you to yield to those people and situations that are the tools of the enemy to discourage and oppress you. I give you authority and permission to say NO and NO MORE. I will take it from there says the Father.
You see, the laying down of your life is the mandate of the cross of Calvary not the whim of a capricious and cruel mocker. I will help you know the difference and guide you between the poles and anger and vengeance. There is a vengeance says the Father. Vengeance is a provenance I reserve for Myself and involves sowing a reaping. My mercies are available to you and yes even available to those who don’t often give mercy for I love the unlovely. But My patience is not unending toward those who malign and despise and persecute My children. In that regard I will occupy them elsewhere. So be of good cheer and rejoice says the Father. For I am your defense and your protection and preservation this day.

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  • This is so anointed! It is the culmination of several things the Father has been trying to teach me for awhile. The subtleties of the Word can really be twisted around by Satan. Thanks for being such a clear mouthpiece on this issue! As a woman, I believe this issue of passivity and Christianity is extremely important, especially in a world where there is such a dearth of husbands and father figures to protect women and children.