The Father Says Today: December 14th, 2012

The Father says today bless them that curse you. Release kindness and grace upon those that deprecate and despise you. Don’t be discouraged when your detractors huff and puff and rage. They cannot blow down the habitation of Myself within you. Celebrate these prattling, petulant children. Celebrate them with praises and invoke My blessings over those who cast the evil eye over you as  though you were some malefactor or wrong doer.
Invoke My favor and grace over your enemy says the Father and in so doing you will configure the heavens to pour out their resources upon your own self to meet every need in your life. Bless your enemies with sobriety and sincerity. Ask Me says the Father. Ask Me to bless your enemies and to use them for My glory. Pronounce upon your critics My consecratory blessing. Is it not fitting for one so enthroned as you to be intimidated by their paltry and meaningless threats?
They can’t have what they want says the Father. They have prayed themselves hoarse requiring My judgments and harshness toward you. But I will be petitioned of you to overwhelm them with the deluge of My unconditional love and grace and mercy. I will cause them to prosper and I will ease the furrows on anger in their brow and cause them to know My peace. It takes two to go to war and enter into a conflict. Don’t stoop to that ignominy. Invoke My favor upon your detractors, critics and naysayers and I will so occupy them with My goodness that they won’t have time to busy themselves about making your life difficult any longer!

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