The Father Says Today: December 13th, 2012

The Father says today I have commissioned you to be a conduit of blessing not just a repository. I am inviting you today to become a distribution point of kingdom resources. I said in My word that the wealth of the unjust is laid up for the just. I have washed you. I have cleansed you and I am prepared to utilize you to resource those who are crying out for supply and those who have no advocate.
Go out today and allow your eye to find those that everyone else overlooks. Your touch, your caring and your love will turn the despair of the despised ones into hope and joy. As much as you have done it to these least ones so you have done it to Me. You have asked Me “Where is all the money?” I will direct substance and provision to those whose default response to need when they see it is a generous heart and an open hand.
Give priority to your brothers and sisters in the faith. Distribute to their necessity. Give out of your surplus till your storage places echo with testimony of your zeal to bless and be a blessing. This shall redound to your benefit says the Father. What you make happen for someone else I will make happen for you. Be a vessel emptied out. Be a splash of joy on the parched souls of those who don’t know where the answer to their need will come from. I have empowered you and commissioned you. Your response time to these needy ones will be the direct measure of My response time to you.

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