The Father Says Today: December 12th, 2012

The Father says today that your joy terrorizes the enemy. You have wondered “God what am I doing HERE?” The Father says: “Bah ha ha!” You are an I.E.D. that I have planted. You are an IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE that I have placed in the supply line of the discourager and the opposer. You are explosive with My joy and explosive with My delight and when you choose to detonate you are going to take out an entire column of the enemy’s supply line. Let My joy resonate and release in your heart today. Let Joy be your choice and your decision.
You see says the Father the enemy has no defense against your joy. Let your joy be full. Be a “joy bomb” this day. Let joy detonate in your soul – way down deep in your soul. I have placed the combustible material of RIGHTEOUSNESS, JOY and PEACE on the inside of you. You will know you are getting noticed when they demand “who do you think you are?”
Just laugh. Just laugh the belly laugh of one who doesn’t have a care in the world for I am caring for every care that you would be careful about. Fear not. Neither be dismayed for I am about My own business and you will drink deeply of the wells of My salvation as you rejoice with the Joy that I have accorded you today.

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  • Linda Laqpenia says:

    Amen…Aloha from hawaii.i believe that i 11:24 Blessing of Lord God I in Jesus Name..AMEN,,,AMEN..

  • this is a very smack in the face,wacked up word that i needed today,Let that joybomb explode deep down inside me!!!this word hit the target!!Let your wacked out glory explode out of me and affect everyone I come in contact with today!!!

  • Amen.For the joy of The Lord is my strength….I’ve seen me in sistuations when enemy come at me,I would acutally begin to laugh from deep inside/it would come out of me…..enemy wouldn’t know what to do.