The Father Says Today: August 9th, 2020

The Father says today let the heathen rage for I have hidden you in My pavilion. The kings of the earth and rulers of men despise My counsels and plunge headlong into darkness, but that is not your portion. Nations defy My ordinances and turn away from My wisdom, but in the midst of their darkness, I will be light to your path leading you to the place of peace and contentment. Know this says God that peace is not the absence of conflict, peace is a fruit of My Spirit working in you, preserving you from the enmity of godless minds. As I set boundaries for the sea and said, “go no further,” I have set boundaries for the sons of men and declared “this far and no further.” They set their sights on the fleshly treasures of iniquity, but My word in the earth is “that will be enough of that!”

So fret not when you see evildoers reaping the consequences of their actions. Hell was not created for them, yet hell is their portion nonetheless. Your responsibility is to be salt and light until Shiloh comes and with it My hand of deliverance to move in your personal life and make things different than they are. Remember that He that sits in the heavens will laugh, and I have seated you in heavenly places in Christ. If you aren’t laughing, you are living below your privileges. Know this that I have set you in My holy hill of Zion, and there I will defend you and preserve you till all these troubles are over. Despair not at the conceit of the ungodly for in their rebellion they only mark themselves as the heathen that I give you for your inheritance. They will be broken at the wheel and left parched at the cistern of their own making, but to you, I have given the uttermost parts of the earth for your inheritance, and your righteousness will ever originate in Me.

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