The Father Says Today: August 7th, 2013

20130706_095608_11th StThe Father says today that I am opening your eyes to the answers already around you. I stood before the first century Jews in My incarnate glory and they knew Me not. Unbelief blinded them. They saw what they expected to see and cried out “Crucify Him!”. Elisha’s servant could not see the fiery angelic chariots and horses round about them because he couldn’t see past the chariots and horses of the enemy. Know this says the Father, the chariots of the enemy only showed up BECAUSE the chariots of the Lord were present.
So open your eyes to read clearly the implications of the threats of the enemy. They reflect the truth that EXACTLY the opposite is available to you by My hand. The enemy threatens your health because by My stripes you were healed. He threatens you financially only because My provision is available and ready to hand. He threatens your family and loved ones only because their day of Salvation is at hand.
Fear not and do not be blinded. Learn to look THROUGH and not just WITH the eye and you will see My kingdom burgeoning around you with promise and blessing!

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  • 'Mayowa says:

    Thanks so much sir. More of His accurate words. I got my msg. Just as d chariots of d enemy showed up cos the chariots of d Lord were present so are d needs of d moments. They showed up just bcos d resources of heaven are now ready present to meet dos needs. Halleluia!

  • Bridgette says:

    Lord please help me to see in the spirit realm, not just in the natural. By your stripes
    we were healed in Jesus’s name.
    Thank yoo Lord for using this mighty man and woman of God. Bless them beyond measure.

  • Gester sadi Ramoresi says:

    Amen! I got my answers. The chariots of the enemy showed up because the chariots of the Lord were there.thank you Lord. My prayers are answered .