The Father Says Today: August 7th, 2012

The Father says today that you are a vessel of honor and not dishonor. Adjust your thinking toward yourself to that reality. The contamination of the world and the infestation of the enemy’s thoughts have no place in your life. Allow Me today to elevate your thoughts and meditations to reflect what I see when I look at you.
You ARE the pupil of My eye and the pearl of great price. I was willing to buy in to the whole of human experience and degradation and sin just so I could call you My child. The cross was the fitting exchange for what I gained when I gained you says the Father. I didn’t get short changed and I have no regrets.
When I purchased you with the blood of the Son I didn’t have buyer’s remorse the next morning. So decontaminate your mind with My sentiment toward you this day. Know that I love you because I love you and I rejoice in that love this day.

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  • This word very personal for me today just what I needed to hear . I almost gave up on myself but once again He revived me once again . I feel like I can make it through his continuous strength . Thank-you prophet Walden for delivering to me the fathers heart .

  • Thank you Dear, Sweet Father, for answering my question. In my early morning
    prayer this morning, I asked the Lord to help me see myself from his perspective.
    Thank you Lord. Your grace is sufficient.
    Thank you Prophet Russ for being so obedient to the Lord.