The Father Says Today: August 6th, 2013

20130706_095753_Washington AveThe Father says today there will be times that you won’t know where you leave off and I take up. I am imbuing you with My strength and My wisdom. My knowledge and My thoughts are providing everything necessary for life and godliness says the Father. I have sowed Myself into you as a resource of provision and protection and rest. Because of who I AM you are one who comes behind in NO gift. The giftedness inherent in My presence is a well that you can draw upon and a river that flows out to every area of need in your life.
Understand this says the Father that RESTING in My Spirit has nothing to do with inactivity. I spoke and created for six days and when I rested on the seventh day My creation continued on producing according the dictates of My command. I have placed this same word of command in your mouth. So know that the REST I have for you is the rest of one whose warfare has ended and now the reaping time is at hand. Do not give up on the sowing of your faith. Your hopes and dreams will not be thwarted.

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