The Father Says Today: August 4th, 2013

The Father says today that My purposes in the earth are sweeping away the principality and powers that have been ranged against you. I resist the proud says the Father and give grace to the humble. Satan and his cohorts know nothing BUT pride. Shall the enemy of your soul stand against My plan for your life? Shall the enemy of your soul be able to resist My strength in your behalf for one split second? Know this says the Father that I have prepared a place for you here by Me that you might find protection under My wings
I am a Mighty Man of War in your life today says the Father. In righteousness will I judge and make war in behalf of My determinations in your life. You are not going to lose says the Father. You are not a failure. You are not a loser. Cast down the lies of the enemy and take your refuge in Me. I will occupy your enemies elsewhere. I will bring My blessing over you like a canopy of favor to shield you from every assault. This day you will see My provision and protection. This day says the Father I will be known in your life as the Faithful One to meet every need.

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  • Bill Donley says:

    Amen! The Lord has been speaking to me about this same thing. Satan will not wini in J.esus’ name

  • WOW!!! So many specific words/images today for me in this, things the Father was already saying…thank you so much.

  • valerie f gallegos says:

    God is awesome! Amen! Glory be to the Father forever and ever! God is faithful God is justice for all the prisoners! I know I recently tried to take my life. I was in a coma for 14 days and in the hospital for almost 2 months! And although its still seems like things are falling apart! Gods will and plans are perfect! What’s better than Gods perfect will and purpose? Absolutly nothing! I’m so greatful to my only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! With God all things are possible! I thank you for this powerful prophetic word! Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His love and mercy endures forever! Amen and Amen! Sincerly, Valerie Francisca Gallegos….. LV Nv

  • Audrey Simpson says:

    God bless you Prophet Russ.
    I thank you for these words since I am going through difficult timesright now. I have no job no money I borrow from friends and family. I live at my mother for now.
    Whenever you prophecie I feel like the burden has been lifted like God is actually doing something for me; HE is showing me things through the Spiritual realm. Let all that I am truly praise the Lord.

  • Audrey Simpson says:

    God bless you Prophet Russ.
    I thank you for these words since I am going through difficult timesright now. I have no job no money I borrow from friends and family. I live at my mother for now.
    Whenever you prophecie I fall like the burden has been lifted like God is actually doing something for me; HE is showing me things through the Spiritual realm. Let all that I am truly praise the Lord.