The Father Says Today: August 31st, 2023

The Father says today, come into My jubilee. This is a jubilee of jubilees – the time of going out in liberty and the restoration of that which has been forfeited. Gather up, says the Father! Gather up in your life those disappointments and losses of times past. Reconstitute your joy from the ashes of bitter disillusionment. Know that I am the God of restoration and recovery. You will not always enshrine the losses of years gone by in the crypt of sorrowful remembrance. I AM that I AM, and there is nothing lost to you that I am not capable and willing to restore tenfold even this day – in this day that you are walking in by My ordination.

Come to Me. Come to Me with your hopes, desires, and dreams. Come to Me even with the dreams that seem like Lazarus after he was dead and stinking. I will loose you and let you go free of the grave clothes of death. I will bring you again to a place of joy. My kingdom is joy. My kingdom is peace. My kingdom doesn’t just BRING joy or peace; My kingdom IS joy and peace. Don’t run from joy. Don’t bury yourself in the dregs of heaviness because you don’t want to be disappointed again. I AM on hand. I am NEAR to you because you have called out to Me with your whole heart. New life begins today. Restoration begins today. This is your blessing time.

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