The Father Says Today: August 29th, 2023

The Father says today, generational impediments, even curses against your bloodline, are being broken and dissolved this day. Just as your forefathers faced challenges and harassment, so too do you. Your enemy calls it the day of disaster for you, but I call it the year of My favor and overflowing grace covering every transgression offered up to Me on the altars of repentance. Those who rejected you will come repenting, accepting your person with sorrow of heart for their grievances against you. In the days of my favor, even I was rejected by many who doubted my divinity, declaring it to be the work of darkness. But fear not, for their rejection is not aimed at you but at Me. Their words cannot harm the true essence of who you are. You speak of my ever-flowing river, and yes, THERE IS a river WHOSE STREAMS MAKE GLAD the people of God, which INCLUDES YOU! Let us not forget that it flows towards eternity. Seek first the eternality of My kingdom, and all other blessings will be bestowed upon you. The extraordinary things you have witnessed of My Spirit are merely a glimpse of the abundance I have in store for you. Some may find My ways too unconventional or chaotic as they long for a more orderly existence. Yet, I caution you not to stumble because of your fear of man, for my ways are unlike theirs.

To those who have grown weary, thinking My river flows too slowly or feels too long, I assure you that only I can see what lies beyond the bend. Do not be deceived by surface appearances, for the depths await exploring. Do not be led astray; it will only exhaust you and lead you to a spiritual wasteland. Instead, patiently wait for Me to guide you gently. You are only ankle-deep in the river of my provision, having tasted but a fraction of the blessings I have prepared for those who love me. Your concern for the lost is noble, but do not become prideful. They belong to Me, for it is in my power and my Kingdom that they find their true identity. Without me, your efforts are futile. So I implore you, do not rely on your own strength. Guard against pride and self-sufficiency! Some may say, “We have received much, so much is expected of us!” But it is better to wait obediently than rush frantically, never truly quenching your thirst or sharing My life with others. Obedience surpasses sacrifice. Therefore, I urge you to wait daily until you are filled with the fire from above — a fire that transforms, edifies, purifies, and beautifies, For My radiant and glorious Body must shine with unparalleled beauty, captivating all of creation. The days are approaching when prodigals will be drawn to the luminosity of My glory (IN you), and return swiftly. It is I who calls them home. Your role is to faithfully praise and worship me, for I reside within the praises of my people. Without My presence, you are no different from anyone else. Let them see me, the True Architect of this House. So, I beckon you to return to the river of My love. It is within these rejuvenating waters that you will find everything you need. So I ask you, my beloved child, when will you come? The time is now, today itself. Come back to the river and experience the fullness and restoration that await you.

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