The Father Says Today: August 28th, 2023

The Father says today, prepare for and embrace the changes forthcoming in your life by My arrangement. The enemy may have attempted to hinder our progress, but it is now time for release and breakthrough. No gate can hold you back; no chain can impede you. The doors, once closed, will open effortlessly before us. Be assured that you need not exert great effort in kicking down the doors of your past struggles. Your assigned angels have already dismantled the barriers obstructing our path. With the way cleared and the path open, it is time for you to rise from your sorrow. That fear you’ve grappled with that nothing could change has been proved wrong, as I have already orchestrated your deliverance. Step forward, says God. Take a step forward, and the chains that have bound you will fall away. As you stand up and move ahead, you can rest assured that the hindrances and limitations of the past have been eradicated. You are now entering a season of abundance and freedom, leaving behind the fruitlessness of yesteryear.

Be advised, says the Father, that there are necessary arrangements to prepare for this transformation. Your cooperation, engagement, and action must come alongside what I am about to do on your behalf. Your life is about to undergo a radical shift, and you must prepare yourself for new opportunities, increases, and promotions. Understanding that I am always at work, orchestrating your breakthroughs in My perfect timing. As you anticipate these positive changes,  understand that My plans surpass your limited perspective. What seemed impossible or stagnant will be transformed into breakthrough moments. Previously closed doors will open seamlessly, aligning with My purpose for our lives. So, let your heart be filled with anticipation and hope. With hands outstretched,  shake off the chains that have held you back for far too long. The time has come to move forward, leaving behind the constraints of the past. Change is inevitable, and I have already paved the way for your liberation. Embrace the freedom, abundance, and joy that await you. Trust that My hand is guiding you towards a future filled with new opportunities and fulfilled dreams. Prepare yourself, for your breakthrough is at hand. Open your heart to the possibilities that lay before you. Step into the journey of newfound fruitfulness and unbridled liberty. Rise up and embrace your radically different life.


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  • Annastasia Robinson says:

    Thank you it’s the confirmation I’ve been waiting for in regards to re enter the Ministry with people on Cruise ShipsIts been a blessing to have been envolved in the Healing Ministry of past, I’ll be able to include it with this Evangelical outreach. Blessings with love AR