The Father Says Today: August 27th, 2023

The Father says today that My mercy is everlasting, extending far beyond what you can comprehend. Sometimes, you may wonder when My hand will intervene in your life or situation. I am always on time, says God. Rest assured that even those who oppose you are recipients of My mercy and kindness. In following My example, strive likewise to be kind, patient, and merciful to those who may take pleasure in your hardships and setbacks. Always bear in mind that My timing is perfect, and I will never abandon you in your current circumstances. I see your distress and will champion your cause. Some may question whose side I am on, but know that I unequivocally support and defend you as you align yourself with My will and My Word. I will bless those who bless you and ultimately discipline those who mistreat you.

Instead of speaking negatively about your enemies, refrain from taking matters into your own hands. Listen to My still, small voice and humble yourself amidst these challenges. When you find it difficult to trust anyone, put your trust in Me, for I will never waver or fail to come through for you, My beloved. My mercy knows no bounds. It extends to every aspect of your life, even beyond your imagination. My love for you is unending, and My promise is to be with you in every situation you face. As you encounter opposition or difficulties, remember that My mercy is also extended to those who oppose you. Just as I show kindness to you, allow then My mercy to flow through you, showing kindness to others even when it seems undeserved. Never lose sight of the fact that I am always working on your behalf. I see your struggles and am actively working to bring about the best possible outcome. Trust in My faithfulness, and rely on My unfailing love.

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