The Father Says Today: August 26th, 2012

The Father says today trust in My timing. I formed time and therefore I am not subject to time. Time is in My hands. Because I have time therefore you have time. Do not allow yourself to be time bound in your thinking. You are not running out of time and it is not too late. Those things for which you think the time has now passed are not lost to you.
Abraham and Sarah were not bound by time. Samuel’s mother Hannah was not bound by time. John the Baptist’s parents were not limited by time. For all these situations conventional wisdom said they could not have what I promised. Did I not demonstrate My Lordship and give them their promised children?
There are things I promised you and things for which your hopes have brightly shone at one time says the Father. But those desires have grown dim with the passage time and become tarnished by time bound thinking. Abraham made that mistake and wound up with an Ishmael on his hands. Don’t try to figure out HOW I’m going to do what I said I would do. Simply trust Me and walk with Me and in the FULLNESS of time all that I have promised will be made manifest in your life.

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  • Thank you Father for reminding me to be patient and to wait upon you. At times, I have been tempted and tried to do things my way but I know that you have the best in store for my life. May your promises come to pass and be fulfilled. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I receive this word of prophecy in Jesus name! Amen!!

  • brenda carnevale says:

    I want to praise the Lord on your behalf. Because I know that the hand of the Lord is moving in your lives.. And I know that you give His word to help His Children.. His words have helped me as I struggle with my life. I know that He has lead me to you..and I will lift you and your ministry up in prayer.. Thank you for obeying Him.. Love a sister in Christ Jesus..