The Father Says Today – August 25th, 2024 – Not Disqualified: Your Destiny Awaits

The Father says today that you are not disqualified from your destiny. That isn’t what you’ve been told by others but listen to My voice only. You’ve been berated and criticized and scolded and beaten down, but the Father says this: that does not originate with me. Even though those who have made themselves your enemy and your judge claim that they’re speaking in My name, give them no heed; listen to My words that proceed exclusively from My throne. The enemy has whispered to you that your opportunity has passed. He suggested that you have sinned away your day of grace. He implied that you could not have my best plan for your life. These are all lies, says the Father. I verify to you this day that my best and perfect plan for you is still on the table, and no setback or failure on your part has denied you the destiny crafted for you before the foundation of the world was laid. You are free. As I said in my word, you are perfect and without blame before me in love, even before the foundation of the world.

For I only look at you with the eyes of love. When I turn my focus on you, I only see that which motivated me to send my only begotten Son to die the death of the cross. Because, in my estimation, you were, and are, worth the sacrifice. So cast down the enemy’s lies and live up to your destiny. You are a privileged child of a loving Father, and I have proposed that you live your life in kingdom entitlement, from which I will fulfill your dreams, satisfy your longings, and meet every possible need. This is who I am, says the Father, and this is what I do, and you are fully eligible this day. So ask, and see my hand of deliverance come near, to come to bear in your life this day, says the Father.

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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