The Father Says Today: August 22nd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today your land will be called married and your land will be called “not barren”. I am marrying the generations and I am marrying the continents as I join together great companies of My intercessors and My prophets across geographical, national, and political boundaries. I am raising up a prophetic company of anointed and articulate warriors who will stand up and give testimony to Who I am in the earth. They will defy the territorial spirits that have kept My people divided. They will defy the party spirits and sectarian attitudes that have hindered My people coming together as a unified whole to destroy the yoke of the enemy over nations and peoples.
You are one of those called out ones destined to join together in the company of saints that will enlarge the kingdom and engage principalities and powers for a great victory in the earth. I am preparing a net breaking catch says the Father. Prepare your heart to hear the invitation to assist and participate in a move of My Spirit that cannot be contained in the worn-out wineskins of the present day. Stand ready says the Father and prepare to be a laborer in this harvest and your reward will be great!

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