The Father Says Today: August 21st, 2013

DSC03458The Father says today that there is only ONE only begotten of the Father – and He has been ONLY begotten IN YOU. You are not alone or isolated from Me says the Father. I sent My son into your heart and into your life as the unique and singular Son that I might be reproduced in you. Even as you were born with the Adam-likeness I have birthed you to bear the Christ-likeness of My Son. So yield to My shaping and My formative process says the Father. I see Myself in you as the sculptor sees the figure in the block of stone. There is a chipping away of that which doesn’t reflect My image but there is also a building and polishing to cause you to represent My nature and character in the earth.
I am adorning you as a representation of Myself in the earth and to those around you. You have asked for clarification of your purpose and destiny says the Father but know that this is My over-arching purpose even this day and day by day. So render your life to Me this day says the Father and I will deaden and deprive of power the man of earth and the man of sin within you and cause WHO I AM to rise up within you and establish My authority and My blessing in your behalf.

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