The Father Says Today: August 20th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I shifting the alignment in your life. I am shifting the alignment in your life for a deeper mentoring in the things of My Spirit. Deep calls to deep says the Father and I am compelling you in this season to come out into the trackless billows of My purposes to new territory. This is the arena of My kingdom where your only frame of reference is Who I am in your life and not any other security. Fear not says the Father, for those things that you have clung to for security no longer accommodate that which reflects My plan for you. Hold everything loosely and step out boldly having confidence not in the flesh but in Who I am in your life and what I promised to come to pass and that right quickly.
I have made to you exceeding great and precious promises that will be the yes and amen you partake of in this season. I say to you not one of the good things I have promised will fail to become substance in your life as you listen to Me and refuse to be dissuaded, or discouraged in any way. Be of good courage says the Father for I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. Neither will I mislead you even as I taught you to pray that I would not lead you into temptation even so I will make clear the path ahead so you will know and not be dismayed at the changes I am working beginning this day. Yes change is the banner being reared over your life and the angels assigned to you are working even now for an end result of highest hearts desire, and greatest dream fulfilled.

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