The Father Says Today: August 20th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-08-19 at 6.19.20 PMThe Father says today that I am turning back the spite of the enemy against your life. Your blessing will not be spoiled by the spoiler that comes to contaminate your peace. Know that I am safeguarding you and bringing My protection into your life even into this day. There is not one minor aspect of your day that is not under My scrutiny says the Father. Even the hairs of your head are accounted for how much more those things that give you pause and cause you to carry the load of care and burden?
Roll those cares and concerns over on Me says the Father for I am a good manager. I am managing and providing necessary superintendence in your life at every level and every juncture. As you walk on the scene of each hour and each new day you will find the package of My renewed mercy awaiting there with the bow already untied ready for you to enjoy and partake of. So laugh the laugh of one who has found their relief for I am relieving you of the burden and I am taking up those cares that the enemy has suggested are for your shoulders alone. You will not be disappointed says the Father for I will show Myself mighty in your behalf.

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  • valerie f gallegos says:

    Awwwwwe! There is definatly no dought in my mind that, Our God is the almighty God of mercy and justice! Power and might! Jesus you are my strong tower! My hope in ages past, my truth for the days too come! Gloria al Rey de Reys! I love you Jesus there is noone like you! Amen and Amen!