The Father Says Today: August 1st, 2013

DSC04545The Father says today that if you bring the harvest I will bring the seed. Let your hand be open to bring the harvest to one more needy than you. Let your eye withhold not to bless and bring breakthrough to one who others have neglected and pretended not to see. When you mollify the wounds and devastation in the life of another I will descend upon you in a level of glory and blessing that is unprecedented in your life.
So take what is in your hand and bring it as increase to one in need that is close at hand. When you give to the impoverished you have loaned to Me and I will repay with dividends beyond your ability to calculate. Open your hand says the Father. Open your hand and I WILL bare my arm in your behalf. This is your day of reaping and the reaping season begins with the harvest you pour out in answer to the cry of those that others have turned away from in disgust.
What you make happen for others says the Father I will make happen for you. This is the nature of reciprocity in My kingdom. I have ordained and purposed that you will be the beneficiary of kingdom entitlement. You will see it and know it as your portion as you act in sacrificial obedience in giving to the broken and downtrodden. I will recompense in great blessing on an expedited schedule in your life says the Father.

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Other Comments

  • Bridgette says:

    What ever you ask of me Jesus, consider it done! Pour down your blessings Lord,
    pour them down on me so that I am continually bless many needy.

  • theresa jackson says:

    Amen Lord! Good Word and I will do what you ask. Love you first, Theresa