The Father Says Today: August 1st, 2012

The Father says today I have extended to you an RSVP into the Holy of Holies. There is a place in My kingdom beyond provision, beyond revelation, beyond the rendering of service or the outpouring of your life to Me. There is a seat of Mercy there where the blood of the son was sprinkled in your behalf. Many of My children spend their whole lives in the outer courts of My purposes. They are not even aware of the deep that calls to deep from beyond the veil.
Step away from the distractions and occupations of other things today. There is nothing in your life that will not be resolved by My hand. Put your focus today on finding that place of intimacy I have beckoned you to. Can you feel the tug of My heart upon your heart? In that place with Me is the cleansing you seek and the transformation that will cause you to see Me and to be like Me. That is your portion today and your opportunity.

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  • Paul Maclean says:

    This is a great word brother… How many times do we satisfy ouselves with the grandeur of the outer courts? We get swept up in the alter, amazed by the protocol of the sacrifice, filled up on the shewbread, and hypnotized by the cup and candles. We need merely to turn ourselves slightly to reveal that God has torn the veil in two, and that our true worship is beyond the tangibles of our flesh… beyond the things that we can touch and taste… beyond the visiblity of our minds… but we can engage him personally… in spirit and in truth. And it is only in His presence that we can be cleansed and sanctified. Only in HIs grace that we find our place of servanthood. Praise His Holy Name!!!
    Thanks again for the word!!!