The Father Says Today: August 18th, 2021

The Father says today, I’m doing a work in your generation that is hard for some to believe, and impossible for the wicked to do even if they were told. My declaration has gone forth and My word has been spoken. The refreshing wind of My Spirit is blowing and the things that are held loosely are blowing away. Those temporary annoyances and difficulties that seem to never end, they are not permanent, and you will be left with those things that are essential moving into your next season. Nothing that you have need of will be lost. I am opening the wells within you that may have been stopped up from the difficulties and pain from past seasons and am calling you forth. You will rise to new heights as you realize the wonderful expressions of Grace coming up from within you as the Holy Spirit brings all things to your remembrance that I have told you of before. Now those things will make sense as you see the puzzle pieces coming together and revealing new strategies opening before you.

The waiting period is the most difficult, especially when the answers aren’t easy to identify, but that is not Me saying no to your situation, and it is not My desire for you to suffer to teach you something. But there are processes and outcomes and sowing that brings reaping and faith that is required to bring you into your expected end. The false accuser is lying in wait to deceive, so be wise as serpents and harmless as doves and you will discern what is true. You do have a part to play, so believe Me even when circumstances are contrary or even opposite, and keep a firm foundation of faith to stand on. Faith speaks, faith believes, faith acts, faith receives. All it takes is a mustard seed to start the process. You have the resources available and at your disposal so why stay where you are? It is time to advance.

Georgette Thompson

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  • I believe it. I will walk by faith and not by sight. I need strength. For the Lord’s Glory.. blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏