The Father Says Today: August 18th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today leave the past behind. The past is gone tomorrow is just ahead. The past will not hold you. I free you this day from the past. There is no mark man can make upon you that the kiss of heaven will not eradicate as I renew and restore and enliven you with My glory. Come unto Me says the Father – the King awaits. Come to Me for all chains are being broken in your life, and newness of faith, character and potential is being visited upon you now. This is your now season. Receive your now. Embrace your now. Let your now wash over you as the gift of heaven that cleanses away every limitation, every scar and every stigma of the past.
I call you beloved, and of My love and favor you are partaking this day. Your chains are gone. Your chains are broken. Walk out. Walk away. Take up your bed and come into My rest for I am redefining what your personal freedom looks like. See yourself reflected in My eyes that I turn upon you now. You will never be the same. Your tears are precious and every one of them are bottled in My treasuries. From them I will pour out the perfume of My favor that removes shame and changes you and transforms you. This is who I am and this is what I do. Be a receiver of My love. Receive My favor. Don’t look back and don’t think twice for this is the beginning of a new beginning for you this day.

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