The Father Says Today: August 17th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that your life is not lived out in the visible, your life is lived out in the invisible. The things that are seen are changeable – they are ruled by the invisible things of My kingdom which is your native environment. Come behind the veil says the Father for there is your natural habitat in Me. You have no place in this world and the world has no place in you. I have prepared a place for you here by Me. I have passed into the heavens and prepared a place for you that where I AM you may also be. So vacate into the I AM habitation of My throne. This is not a place of visitation. This is a place of habitation for you and all who will follow into the glory.
Can you believe and receive and know this is your moment? Your escape is an escape into Who I am NOW not someday. I am your escape now, says the Father. I am your resurrection now. You are not waiting upon death to take you. Death is your enemy and My enemy. Death will be put under your feet and the covenant with death shall be disannulled and you will live. You will live and not die says the Father. Your life is My life, and My life is reordering and restoring and restructuring even your physical body. I am your light and the health of your countenance. Breathe in My presence and breathe out corruption, contamination and the folly of the grave. I look upon you and say you are altogether lovely and this day I bring you to Myself in a new way that you might know Me as your YES, and your AMEN in every area of need you could possibly have.

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