The Father Says Today: August 16th, 2020

The Father says today I am restoring you to wholeness of heart. Your heart was broken and torn in many directions in times past – all that ends now. I am holding your heart in My hand and blowing upon it with My breath as a man would blow upon a coal of fire. Your rejoicing is coming back. Your joy is now restored. Wait? Can you hear it? In your heart, even now, the faint music of celebration is rising within you with the trumpets of praise – blasting out all the depression, anxiety, and sadness. Sadness is not your portion, says God. I am your Maker, and every one of your days is written in My book. The epistle of your life is a success story, a romance, an epic of triumph and victory – not a tragic cautionary tale of failure or disappointment. Your enemies are turned back – they perish at My presence. I have maintained your right and your cause, and now the gavel comes down in your favor.

The destructions of the destroyer in your life have come to a perpetual end. Now beauty takes the place of ashes, and the spirit of heaviness is displaced by joy unspeakable and full of glory. Say in your heart, “this is where it gets easy!” I am all about yoke easy and burden light. Make the proclamation, “what ELSE could POSSIBLY go right?” For that is the threshold you have crossed over this very day. Believe the good report says, God. Refuse to wallow in the negative. Give Me some cooperation, and I will give you some change. Let your eyes be lightened with the promise of My word, and the expectation of your heart be above only and not beneath. Despisers will despise and perish, but a credulous faith-believing people will inherit the land and divide the heathen’s spoil for their inheritance.

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