The Father Says Today: August 16th, 2013

DSC04625The Father says today never lay down in a war zone. Your enemy the devil is determined to define your life by his campaign of victimization and denial. Push back says the Father. Resist the devil and yes, he will fly and he will flee. There is no resource in the enemy to withstand you when you counter his attack with My name. Stand fast says the Father. Resist your enemy. I will add My strength to your determination. I will bring the angelic host about you online to empower and support you until victory is won.
You are now armed and equipped with an impenetrable armor of faith, righteousness, and grace. I will turn back the army of the enemies who have set themselves against you. I will raise My destiny for you as a banner that the heavens will rally to. Know that the blood that was shed is your sure and certain defense against deprivation, impediment and restriction. Open your mouth boldly. Invoke the power of the blood. Weild the sword of the Spirit. Advance in the armor of light. See this day the tide of resistance against your blessing but fully and finally turned back.

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