The Father Says Today: August 15th, 2013

Palm Trees Along Gardens Parkway Street in Palm Beach GardensThe Father says today I am not concerned with proving Myself to the unbelieving. Unbelief is a soul-deep stain that cannot be cleansed by successful arguments or theological inquiry. Shall the thing made say to him that made it why have you made me this way? Launch out into PURE TRUST in Me this day. Put your mind and emotions in check and simply KNOW that I am nurturing and caring for you at every level.
FAITH and PROOF have nothing to do with one another says the Father. Thomas wanted PROOF. Cease from all striving says the Father! Cease trying to convince others or to be convinced yourself. The mind is a petty tyrant that will never cease to prattle on in its prideful assertions of logic and vain conclusions. TRUST ME from your HEART and your HEAD will adjust to the new reality. It’s a new day says the Father. A new day of TRUST and REST as you allow the FAITH in your HEART transcend into unquestioned trust in My word.

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