The Father Says Today: August 14th, 2013

DSC04624The Father says today that you are an inheritor by birth of all that My kingdom entails. I have birthed you into My government and I have birthed My government in you. My government is increasing and increasing on the inside of you until ALL CONTRARY RULE is put down and destroyed within your precincts. You see says the Father you can take My word and your authority through My word and destroy the entire scope of the works of the devil against you.
You are no less anointed, no less entitled and no less empowered than I was during My earth walk. Rise up in the entitlement purchased for you on the cross. Rise up in the empowerment released to you in the resurrection. The resurrection is NOT only for some day hence! The resurrection and the power thereof is a RESOURCE of RULE and GOVERNANCE in your life now! Exercise the GOVERNANCE of My kingdom today says the Father. Exercise your governance and you will see your enemy the devil cower at your feet!

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  • valerie f gallegos says:

    Amen! And Amen! God is awesome! God is alive! God is real! God is just! God is LOVE! But most of all God is hope, for all of us who are fortunate enough to believe! Thank you for your precious, beautiful, and powerful profetic word! Thank you sooooo much Mr. Russ! Sincerly, Valerie Francisca Gallegos…… LV Nv.

  • Kenyatta Knox says:

    It’s 2:12am here in Mississippi. I clicked on the link and said “I don’t think they have the prophetic word listed as of yet. BUT, it sure was up there! God is really getting my attention through your ministry 🙂 Thank you all for all that you do. Overflow of Blessings from Heaven