The Father Says Today – August 13th, 2024 – The Longing for More: Becoming a Vessel of God’s Limitless Power!

The Father says today that the things you think you need and the things you think you want are not truly that which will satisfy the longing of your soul. I have placed desires within you, a yearning for something more to draw you closer to Me. These desires, when brought before Me, become a proposal, a request born from your heart and mind that I am disposed to answer and answer in full says God. I have experiences waiting for you: revelation, understanding, disclosure of things, even secret things hidden from the foundation of the world. You will see miracles and healing as well, and that in great measure. You will lay hands on the sick, and they will be restored. I will manifest My power through you, flowing through you like a river of living water. People will witness My glory in your actions, marveling at the transformation.

As you become a vessel poured out in this dry and thirsty land, you will not be depleted yourself. These things will not drain you or leave you empty; rather, as others are blessed and delivered, this will empower you, filling you with My Spirit. It will be a joyful experience, exciting, like a thrilling adventure. For I am not a God of limitation – I am the Limitless One, and My limitlessness is your portion. I am not limited in My ability to heal; I am the God of miracles. You will see visible signs of My power like skin made new and scars erased. You are the one who will walk in this anointing, demonstrating My power to a world in need. Others will see your faith and ask how these things can be. You will show them, not just by talking, but by doing. Remember that you never have to talk about what you demonstrate of My power and Spirit. Others will move from an attitude of scoffing and mockery to wide-eyed belief and amazement. You will invite them to participate, to become participators in My kingdom, in kingdom advancement, and together, you will witness the miraculous as an everyday occurance.

Are you ready? This is your time, your season of divine appointment. Ask Me to show you how to move boldly, with confidence and unwavering trust. Step into the fullness of what I have for you, and let My glory shine through you.”

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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