The Father Says Today: August 13th, 2013

DSC04640The Father says today that I placed you in the earth to be a tender and a keeper. The authority that Adam lost in the fall is restored to you in Christ. You are a repository into which I have placed dominion and authority from My throne. All rule from heaven is enunciated from My throne in the human heart says the Father. I will do nothing unless I am first asked. So ask says the Father. Ask largely. Ask with audacity. Ask with impunity in the face of religious attitudes toward lack and suffering which I take no pleasure in.
The authority I have bestowed upon you is the authority to ask and to requisition My hand to act. I know what your needs are but I am unwilling to act without you. I want your involvement in every transaction between heaven and earth. I call for your petitions, I look for your declarations, I anticipate your decrees. Call upon Me in the day of trouble says the Father and I will answer speedily and with the full force of heaven’s might to descend and draw you out of the waters of adversity the enemy has cast against you in life!

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