The Father Says Today: August 11th, 2013

DSC04529The Father says today that the work I have done in and for you is a finished work. You are not a work in progress says the Father. What I have finished in you I finished before the foundation of the world was laid. In the primordial fog banks of eternity I formed and shaped and molded you as a reflection of My mercy and My perfection. This is the image that My grace is establishing in you today. The process is undeterred. The outcome assured. See yourself this way says the Father. See My perfection in you. See My kingdom and rule IN you. See it and now it as your one true reality. All else is an illusory figment of demonic suggestion.
So as you rise and go about your day know that you are adorning and clothing a perfected image of your heavenly Father. As you open your mouth to greet those around you let the dignity and grace of an entitled son and privileged scion of heaven be the character of your conversation. Do not allow anyone or anything to move you from the place of composure I have prepared for you in Me. This is YOUR day says the Father. I have crafted it for you as a jeweler crafts a setting for an exquisite gem. You are that jewel says the Father. You are that jewel and I am refracting My glory in your life this day.

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