The Father Says Today: April 8th, 2023

The Father says today that your destiny is not an abortion. The enemy has lied to you and tried to run a game on you, but I say that My highest and best plan for your life is still activated and working. Your hopes will not be stillborn, says the Father. The pressure you are feeling is not LOSS, but a BIRTHING. You cried out to Me, authorized Me by your faith, and now I am bringing about change. However uncomfortable it may be, says the Father, take your hands away and do not interfere with My process.

Come this day into new and fresh cooperation with My mind and My heart toward you. There are voices in your life. It is NOW time to deafen yourself to. They will actually say, “Are you listening to me?” Answer them, NOT ONE WORD. Let your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth, for I will answer when and how I purpose, says the Father. The validity of your gift and your destiny is based upon My word in your mouth and not the mocking taunts of those who never believed anyway. It is a new day, says the Father, and it is in your life the GOOD season when My goodness will be seen in your land.

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