The Father Says Today: April 5th, 2023

The Father says today that I am bringing you to a position of REST. Your efforts and your labors do not determine the outcome for you. In returning and rest, your blessing will be made manifest. I will cause you to rest with the composure that I rested with on the seventh day. You see, says the Father, REST in Me is not inactivity. Rest in Me is a position of trust and confidence that the processes of faith are working on your behalf.

Outside of My blessing, all things tend to decay. You are not outside of My blessing. You are the object of My favor. My determinate purpose is to elevate and promote you in all that you put your hand to. This is a covenantal obligation that I hold Myself to with the sacredness of My name. Trust in what I have already provided. No more looking around for an exit strategy. I am on the scene; therefore, there is no need to withdraw or retreat. Do you trust Me? Then enter, My beloved, into your rest this day, and allow Me to provide the necessary superintendence over your life.

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