The Father Says Today: April 5th, 2013

Russ-n-Kitty-Feb-2013The Father says today do you really understand what grace is and what grace does? My grace is multiplying itself in your life. My unmerited, unearned no-strings-attached favor and blessing and goodness is YOUR PORTION says the Father. Even as I gave you the highest gift of My son while you were yet in your sin even so will I not withhold any good gift. Restriction and denial are the fruit of a heart that has disqualified itself from My blessing.
Receive the washing of regeneration of My Spirit this day says the Father. Allow Me to receive you to Myself and make you a living epistle of wholeness and cleansing. My heart yearns that you know more and receive more of Myself this day. There is so much more of Myself to experience. My deep is yearning upon your deep says the Father. Come away My beloved and know the full accounting of My love toward you this day.

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  • Wow, I am extremely bless by this word today. Even as i stay up late in the wee hours of the morning studying, I was in the book of Song of songs and just falling in love all over again with my Lord and Husband, Jesus Christ. As i studied the song I listened to all evening was GRACE! and it just kept soaking deeper and deeper into my spirit. Oh the Grace of God. I just love him even more….Thank you for your obedient walk before God to serve.