The Father Says Today: April 4th, 2023

The Father says today, it is time to clean house within your cluttered heart. Clean out the clutter of half-baked plans and withered dreams. Throw out every teaching, tape, and book whose spiritual expiration date is long past. I am sending fresh manna to you today. Where truth has become stale doctrine, I will bring pulsating vivacious revelation. Where instruction has become wrinkled and dry, I am sending succulent wisdom from My throne to bring INSTANT CHANGE.

Transformation is much more available than you know, says the Father. Miracles await the occasion of your faith that do not require any further delay or prolonged time frame. Release the anger of misspent expectations. Lay aside the disillusionment and lies of the enemy, who suggests My word cannot be relied upon. Grasp, hold, and extract the root of bitterness that would wrap its tentacles of contamination around your heart. It is a NEW DAY, says the Father. This is a new day and a time of refreshing and renewal. Make preparation! Make preparation, says the Father, for this, is your NOW day of visitation!

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