The Father Says Today: April 4th, 2013

Russ-n-Kitty-Feb-2013The Father says today that My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Those contaminated with religion will impose burdens that they will not lift with one of their fingers. They exempt themselves and heap burdens grievous to be born on even the faintest of hearts. The Father says to you even as I am YOKE EASY and BURDEN LIGHT in your life even so LET YOUR EXPECTATIONS and REQUIREMENTS UPON OTHERS be characterized by YOKE EASY and BURDEN LIGHT.
Are you troubled? Are you heavy burdened? Determine to release to others the liberty that you desire to walk in. In so doing you will DELIVER YOURSELF from the snare and the burden that the enemy would capture you with. Go out today therefore and let someone off the hook and remit their sin and lift their guilt and free them from condemnation. In so doing you will NOT forsake your own mercy – yea verily you will establish My mercy in your own heart and life and experience.

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  • Your word is strong and i have been feeling like i can’t take the pressure of what’s been going on especially in my sons life that s been causing me so much heartache .