The Father Says Today: April 3rd, 2023

The Father says today, you can set your season in your life. If you can look to the sky and know tomorrow’s weather, even so, I have given you authority and insight to bring the rains of My Spirit into your own life, to water the dry and thirsty lands within you. Say therefore to your eyes, “be opened…” and to your mind, “be enlightened…” Say to your human spirit, “come forth…” even as I called Lazarus from the grave on the fourth day.

There are situations and broken relationships whose time you are thinking may be past the point of no return. I don’t operate within those boundaries, says the Father. The past is the past, so let it go. Forgive, release, and bless. It is time to reset your tired and exhausted expectations and allow fresh hope and fresh fire to be rained down upon your battered dreams. Can you feel the refreshing, says the Father? Can you smell the beneficial rains of My Spirit cascading down upon your parched life? It is time, says the Father. Receive the refreshing.

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