The Father Says Today: April 3rd, 2013

Russ-n-Kitty-Feb-2013The Father says that there comes a time that you have to lose your religion in order to find the Kingdom. My kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy not restriction, condemnation or imposition of external authorities. Receive My kingdom in yourselves says the Father and know it as your portion that will conform you into My image.
Religion only whitewashes the exterior says the Father. My kingdom transforms from within. When you SEE the Kingdom you will become a living and breathing representation of the character and life and love that flows from the throne. Receive the liberty wherewith My Spirit makes you free to be not just a servant but a son. I have given you power to become says the Father so go ahead and become that son and that daughter I have destined and ordained and provisioned you to become even this day!

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  • tonya says:

    Thank you for your daily Word. I am praying for you both, while on
    your Jericho Drive Journey. I am sure you are making great impact for
    the Kingdom!!

  • My husband and I have had time to go over our personal prophecy and we feel it was accurate and timely. We would like to thank you. We have been prophesying for many years and we recognize and appreciate that the Father has sent you both on an assignment. We too are moving in assignments. It has been an encouragement and A stirring to our own vision (which does blend with several others about land and restoration of heaven to earth and the highest realm of the ministry of reconciliation.) In part of our prophecy from Kitty, she mentioned the power gifts this year. As a prophetess of God, He had just shown me thru my intimate time with the Father the blending this year of the prophetic and the Power gifts. In intimacy with the Father, we will prophesy suddenlies and miracles, signs and wonders in the Power of God. Blessings to you, Cindy Culp, Gloryhouse Globetrotters, Carmel Indiana