The Father Says Today: April 30th, 2020

The Father says today, I am your hope. When the sun refuses to shine, and all you see is storm clouds gathering, anchor yourself in My promise. Secure yourself and be comforted in the fact that I will never leave you, and I will never forsake you. Regardless of what the circumstance says, I cannot change who I am, and therein is your trust and your deliverance. I am your peace. I am your provision. I am the water from the Rock and the Manna on the ground every morning. The purveyors of religious thinking suggest that I brought the difficulty, but I am not the God of difficulty, I am the God of yoke easy and burden light. If I was the God who initiates difficulty and trouble in your life, then stress would be a fruit of the Spirit, and that is not so. Refuse all such profane and vain thinking, for I am a “yes” and “amen” Father. I will never put you through anything that the Cross paid for.

I will never say “no” to what the Cross says “yes” to beloved. The Cross says yes to healing and yes to provision. The Cross says yes to blessing and favor and no to the curse and the struggle. That is your Sabbath rest where all strife ceases, and you lay down by the still water and in the green pastures of My faithfulness. No matter what is going on around you, know that I am leading you through it all, and on the other side, you will be left intact and walking in My blessing. My heart for you and My goal for you is that you prosper and be in health, for I place no premium upon suffering, sorrow, or despair. Cling to that truth. Embrace that hope. Lean into My faithfulness and hide in the cleft of the rock of My love till the storm is past, and the Daystar that I am in your life shines in full strength.

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