The Father Says Today: April 2nd, 2023

The Father says today, make humility your choice. Make humility your choice by saying in your heart, “Go low and worship…” When you go low and worship, you will ascend into the high and lofty place where only the humble and the contrite ones can enter. Humility is the key, and humility is your secret weapon. I am not asking you to deprecate yourself or to think less of yourself than I do. You are in fact fearfully and wonderfully made. Humility has nothing to do with how you see yourself in My sight. Humility has to do with refusing to define yourself with respect to the opinions or thoughts of others.

When I walked the earth, the Pharisees complained, “we piped, and you did not dance – we mourned, and you did not lament…” Be aware, says the Father, that when humility is your choice, you will find yourself OUT OF STEP with those who wear badges of illegitimate authority and those who carelessly throw around words like “alignment,” “covering,” and “authority.” I have called you, and I have anointed you. I will bring you under My covering, My authority, and My anointing that breaks every false yoke. So go low and worship. Refuse to answer your critics. Let your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth. Yes, they may throw you in the lion’s den of shattered reputation and religious ignominy, but from thence, I will draw you to Myself and make My heart known to you, and give you the opportunity to serve and to love, outside the framework of men’s small-minded thinking.

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