The Father Says Today: April 2nd, 2021

The Father Says Today: April 2nd, 2021

The Father says today, step into the seeing and knowing of My full faithfulness in your life this day. As the children of Israel in the land of Goshen, you are being protected and provided for. You are being blessed and walking in kingdom benefits as I thresh the nations and shake the earth in My sovereignty. There is nothing to fear, for in nothing will it come near you. Though all the world be in darkness and confusion, you will not grope in terror and neither will you be confounded and confused, for I will be that GREAT TRUTH that liberates and empowers you with My peace though all around are cowering in terror. I Am with you. I will never leave you and I will never forsake you, for you are as I am, and in My great love I will defend and preserve you.

Eat your meat with joy, and sit at your table with gladness, says the Father, for this is your coming out season. This is your coming out time and you are not coming out empty-handed. I will cause you to sow in the land and reap the hundred-fold return in the same year. This is a year of abundance. No more being put to flight by fear, for I am blessing you IN PLACE. Refuse to run. Refuse to bow to the enemy. Square your shoulders and know that you are in your NOW season and My default answer toward you is yes. Purpose this day and purpose every day to walk in alignment to My promise, for this is your portion and this is the time of endearment and enlargement for you in all this, for you ARE My beloved.

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  • Tebogo says:

    Alleluyah! This word speaks to me and I receive it in Jesus Name. My season, my now forever j! Shalom

  • A Reed says:

    I just need my steps to be order. Give me the strength to stand Thank You in Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  • Jenny Fields says:

    I attended the Glory conference and have followed you since. Im leaving my family to do street ministry in Branson, all is unfolding fast . Condo in closing. Focus needed and everyday your Word from the Lord helps me keep my eye on the prize. Thank you