The Father Says Today: April 2nd, 2020

The Father says today, start the morning with a shout and not a whimper. When all that is within you fails to bless the Lord, make a positive decision to search out your heart with the candle of the Lord until every nuance of doubtfulness is exposed and dealt with. You are a child of the King, and the shout of a king is on the inside of you. Faith is moving, and faith is making manifest the path that leads to life and overcoming in every adversity and hurdle. There is no perversity or iniquity where faith rules and love conquers. I have given you My best, and I have given you My word. When the enemy says you are unworthy, know that My declaration over you is that you are clean through the word that I have spoken to you. Meditate on that word and embrace that word. Let My word speak louder and louder than all the protestations of the talking heads and media personalities. This is a day of lifting up and not casting down. You are not of the darkness; you are of the day, and the Dayspring is arising in your heart, bringing new hope and rejoicing that the world knows nothing of.

Wage a war of attrition against the doubts and fears that come to consume your peace and rob you of your joy. Win over your heart every day saying, “there is a God, and I am His child. I will rejoice and shout His praise morning till evening!” Never allow the actions in your life to contradict the faith in your heart. A little doubt, a little fear becomes a great tree of misfortune towering over you unless you cut it down where it stands with words of faith and corresponding actions that shout your confidence in My word out to the world. Unbelief or allowing a victim mentality to grip you brings contamination and corruption. You are not born of that which is corrupt but born of the incorruptible seed. Disease shall not corrupt you. Virus infections will not injure you. You will live and see the end of your days in peace and with long life. You will not be cut off in the midst of your days. Like David, you will live your life to the full and then draw up your feet into the bed with your testimony intact and your legacy of faith a sound and worthy path for all to follow.

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  • Amen. Thank you Jesus for this reminder of my identity in you. Glory to God.

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Glory be to God ! Thank You Heavenly Father. El Shaddai, give me Your wisdom. Jehovah Hoshe’ah, align my heart with Yours, align my mind with Yours. Jehovah Hamelech, strengthen my obedience. Jehovah keren-Yish’i, make a habit of spending time with You. El Elyon, El Olam, You are truly my only source of joy and fulfillment, may my life display Your power. Jehovah-‘Ori, have Your way in me. Jehovah Sabaoth, deliver me from anxiety and doubt. Jehovah Rophe, heal me through and through. Jehovah Abba, do the impossible in and through me, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Joseph Mulwa says:

    Amen I receive in Jesus name.Thank you Jehovah Jireh,Jehovah Raffa.To God be all the glory.