The Father Says Today: April 2nd, 2013

Russ-n-Kitty-Feb-2013The Father says today that I will make an end. I am ending something in your life and bringing you to a change of assignment. When the drover pulls on the reins of a braying beast there is always resistance and complaint. When you feel resistance in yourself to the changes I am bringing I am bringing let that be the occasion that you choose to be SELF-CORRECTING and bring your natural man into submission to My purposes in your life.
I am calling for a fresh alignment of My character and spirit inside you. Put away the childish toys and thoughts of yesterday and adorn yourself as a potent and strong and full-grown servant of the Most High. Those things that have contaminated your life and distracted you are far beneath the dignity and sonship I have ordained you to walk in – so let those things fall of even as the chaff falls away from the wheat.
I am bringing you into the garner of My purposes says the Father and there are some things and people and attitudes and habits of life that it is now time to be left behind. It is the stringent discipline of My hand that brings about the clarity and cleanness of heart you have asked Me for. Cooperate with the cleansing says the Father and you will see a fresh increase of habitation of My Spirit in your life beginning this very hour.

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Other Comments

  • I was curious to see the post on my birthday and it was so on time, I loved it & shared it to my fb wall and now I’m seeing it manifest. I was just sitting and thinking after a God-encounter this morning and reverted back to this reading! Thank God for your ministry and I thank God for the cleansing/release and how God is bringing my life into perfect alignment.

  • tonya says:

    Tank you for this daily Word. I am in absolute awe of these two people. Russ and Kitty have allowed God to use them to the max. I am truly blessed and look forward to Words of enlightment daily. Thank you for your obedience to God. I hope to reach your level of spiritual growth one day. Such a powerful connection to God/

  • Jibola says:

    I believe, The Lord is putting an end to my struggles today. It is a new beginning.